Building structures using concrete is a reliable way to ensure that they will last a long time. But, concrete is still a manufactured material that is prone to damages. Nothing is ever permanent. So, prolonged exposure to extreme weather conditions may affect its quality.
As per expert Stained concrete contractors in Paso Robles, proper maintenance and repair are essential to prevent further damages. But before we go into the details of how you can maintain and repair is stamped concrete slippery when wet. So first, let’s go into the details of the problems that can arise when dealing with concrete.
Structural Damage
Concrete can withstand wear and tear better than other materials. But defects on concrete floors are difficult to rectify. Also, several factors may affect the quality of the concrete in the long run.
Severe weather conditions can also affect the quality. Improper casting and deshuttering can damage it. Also, concrete slabs can break due to expansion and contraction during extreme temperatures. So, if you plan to make Las Vegas interior floors, it’s best to consult with concrete professionals.
Chemical Damage
Chemicals can disintegrate concrete. These include chlorides and certain sulfates. Prolonged water exposure can also cause some damage. When water streams through cracks, the minerals that hardened the cement will dissolve. This process is also known as leaching.
Seawater is corrosive. Erosion and loss of concrete happen whenever you expose the concrete to saltwater.
Fire Damage
Concrete structures have good fire resistance. But exposing it to too much heat will cause spalling and cracking. When this happens, water can seep through and will immediately cause degradation.
Blast and Seismic Damage
Concrete structures are resistant when it comes to blasts and seismic activities. But, these activities may still damage the concrete even if they only occur for a few seconds. Accidents may happen if left unchecked.
Insufficient Reinforcement
The concrete structure may look solid and sturdy on the outside. But, without proper maintenance and repair, it can crack, crumble and collapse anytime.
One of the main problems is when the steel within the concrete corrodes. Rust can occupy the volume of the steel, and it can crack, stain and spall. Carbonation and chloride are the major issues when this happens.
Excessive Loads
Concrete is strong and durable. But when it comes to measuring its strength, there are several ways to do so. Proper assessment may vary from its tensile, flexural, and compressive strength.
Tensile strength is its ability to resist breaking or cracking under tension. Thus, it is crucial to reinforce concrete structures undergoing tensile stress. You can do so by using steel. This material has high tensile strength.
Flexural strength is an indirect measure of tensile strength. The concrete can resist bending.
Compressive strength is the most important. It measures the ability of the concrete to withstand the load. Thus, it’s the main criteria used to check if a concrete mixture will meet the needs of a structural project.
Once you have determined the cause of the damage, you can already plan and prepare for the repair. A full-depth repair will include the removal and replacement of the entire concrete. A partial-depth repair will consist of removing and replacing a part of the concrete.
Still unsure how and when to start the repairs? Try hiring professional concrete contractors such as Minneapolis concrete repair. They can help you save on time, money, energy, and resources.