Wakil Indonesia Yang Ikut Serta Dalam Penandatanganan Deklarasi Bangkok Adalah

The Bangkok Declaration has been one of the most significant events in the history of Southeast Asia. The declaration was signed by representatives of five countries, including Indonesia, on August 8, 1967. Indonesia was represented by a team of delegates who were committed to achieving regional cooperation and integration. In this article, we will highlight the Indonesian representatives who participated in signing the Bangkok Declaration.

Indonesian Representatives Who Participated in Signing Bangkok Declaration Are…

The Indonesian delegation was led by Adam Malik, who was the foreign minister of Indonesia at the time. He played a crucial role in the negotiations and was instrumental in the preparation of the declaration. Another prominent member of the delegation was Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, who was the legal advisor to the Indonesian government. He helped ensure that the language of the declaration was legally sound and reflected Indonesia’s position on key issues.

Other members of the delegation included Soemitro Djojohadikusumo, who was the Indonesian ambassador to Thailand, and Soedjatmoko, who was the director-general of political affairs at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These individuals played important roles in the drafting and negotiation of the Bangkok Declaration, which paved the way for the establishment of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Making Indonesia Proud with Their Involvement in the Bangkok Declaration

The Indonesian representatives who participated in the signing of the Bangkok Declaration have made their country proud. Their involvement in the declaration has helped to shape Southeast Asia’s political and economic landscape for decades to come. The declaration created a framework for regional cooperation and integration that has been the foundation of ASEAN’s success.

The Indonesian representatives demonstrated their commitment to regional cooperation and integration by taking an active role in the negotiations and discussions that led to the signing of the Bangkok Declaration. They brought their expertise, experience, and vision to the table and helped to shape the future of Southeast Asia. Today, ASEAN is a thriving regional organization that has made significant contributions to regional stability, security, and prosperity.

In conclusion, the Indonesian representatives who participated in the signing of the Bangkok Declaration are true heroes of Southeast Asia. They demonstrated their commitment to regional cooperation and integration and helped to create a framework that has been the foundation of ASEAN’s success. Indonesia can be proud of these individuals and their contributions to the region’s political and economic development.

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