The Dos and Donts While Doing SEO

SEO or Search engine optimization is a bunch of strategies used to help your website have better rankings on Search Engine Result Pages(SERPs). Google constantly updates its algorithms so SEO is constantly evolving and SEO continues to be a keyB2B marketing tactic. Internet usage has never been higher than now, therefore the study of SEO is more important than ever. To rank higher in search results, there are some specific do’To rank higher in search results, there are some specific do’s and don’t’s that help out while optimizing your content for search engines. We strongly recommend taking basic SEO course before kick-starting the organic growth campaign.

The dos

  1. Incorporate keywords that are relevant to the page. Search engines usually check for consistency. So the keywords used in your page should relate to your page title.
  2. Use analytics to measure performance. While doing your SEO it is important to have an understanding of which keywords you wish to rank for. After optimizing your content it is recommended that you use keyword analytics to see which keywords need attention.
  3. Use relevant links. Links are more about quality and not quantity. Using too many links will make your content look spammy, but a few relevant links to important internal web pages and a few external links to authoritative sources will impact your SEO.
  4. Optimize images for SEO: Label, tag, or add alt text to all forms of media on your website. This will make them visible to search engines.
  5. Create relevant content. Simply focus on content that your target audience will enjoy reading. B2B SEO is as simple as that.

The donts


  1. Never ignore the user’s search intent. Helping the user gather relevant information is Google’s ultimate goal with search results. So never compromise on that.
  2. Never copy large pieces of external content. Search engines always lean towards original content. Duplicating your own content won’t harm your SEO but it won’t help it either. Remember that search engines always push plagiarised content down the rankings.
  3. Link too often to external sites. The negative effect of too many outbound links is that it makes your content more difficult to read. This only results in higher bounce rates which search engines will so easily pick up.
  4. Never overuse keywords. Search engines generally do want content with a clear theme. However, using a keyword too many times can put off your customers and reduce conversions.
  5. Remember that a good B2B strategy always gives provision for reviewing and updating your content. There is always competition so you need to ensure your content is accurate and up to date. While reviewing content use your keyword research to add subtopics you might have missed. Check whether the information you are sharing is still relevant.

Use these pointers as a part of your inbound marketing strategy. With a little time, your SEO will improve. Understand that SEO is a process that takes time. When you singularly focus on your content your website will bring in high-quality traffic and potential leads. Any digital marketing agency that provides affordable SEO services will be able to help you with these strategies.

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