There are many ways to harness energy and convert it into power. There’s heat, water, electricity, and solar energy, all of which have different uses and applications. Among all these different sources of energy, however, one of the most commonly used in the industrial setting is compressed air. And it’s amazing how this abundant, renewable source of power is being applied in many industries today.
Air, by itself, is unlikely to generate much power. It needs to be compressed in large volumes to increase pressure which can then be displaced to produce strong, kinetic force. When air is compressed in a tank, for example, it goes below atmospheric pressure (see reference). It is when this entrapped air is released that energy is generated as it goes back to the natural environment and readjusts to atmospheric pressure in a process called displacement.
Air compressors are used to power many industrial machinery and tools because it is considered to be safer and more cost-effective than its counterparts. For instance, the use of electric-powered machines has a considerably higher risk of resulting in shock-related incidents as in the case of electrocution. Heated instruments risk fire. And while hydraulics potentially have lower immediate risks, they’re much less convenient and powerful than the others.
Overall, air compressors are a more practical and economical solution for many industries and here are just some of its applications:
Manufacturing Industry
Air compressors can be commonly seen in manufacturing factories. They’re used to operate many air-based power tools, welding machines, cutting equipment, and packaging devices.
Food & Beverage Industry
You can also see a lot of compact compressors used in food preparation and handling. Vacuum packing, for example, uses compressed air technology the same as with other cooling and heating products. Sodarizers and kegerators are also a few examples of beverage machines that use this type of energy source.
Pharmaceutical/Medical Industry
Another common use of compressors, and probably one that you’re most familiar with, is oxygen tanks. Yes, this technology is also used to deliver oxygen to hospital patients that experience difficulty in breathing. In the case of medicine, compressed air technology is used to secure medicine packaging as well as regulate pressures in bottles and tanks.
Other industries that are worth mentioning are furniture, agriculture, apparel, petrol, textiles, and even dry cleaning. It would simply make a whole book if we were to list each and every function they have in every industry, so you might want to read this next instead: Case in point, air compressors are much more common than you think, and it has become an integral part of everyday life.
Where Can You Get A Compressor?
If you find yourself needing an air compressor for a specific project or task, there are mainly two ways for you to acquire one. First is to buy it yourself or you can also rent one for a period of time. It mostly depends on where, when, and for how long you need to use it.
How Much Does A Compressor Cost?
There are different types of compressors as there are different uses for it. There are Centrifugal, Axial, Rotary-Screw, and Reciprocating compressors to name a few of the most common ones.
The rotary-screw is one of the easiest and common ones to use as it uses the mechanism of two rotors that turn in opposing directions to trap air and build pressure. This is most commonly used in larger projects as it’s quite low maintenance due to built-in cooling systems and designed for continuous and prolonged operations using active air.
Reciprocating, on the other hand, is used if you require more firepower (well, wind power in this case) but for much shorter tasks making it ideal for home use. These two types of compressors function by use of positive displacement and are likely what you will be needing if your main purpose is to work on a small-scale project. Even then, these machines can easily cost you a couple of grand, ranging from $1500 to $10,000 depending on the type and model.
Axial and Centrifugal compressors, on the other hand, fall under the category of dynamic compressors and are mostly used for commercial and industrial purposes. They also have significantly higher price points as compared to the first two.
When Should You Consider Renting?
Unless you see yourself using an air compressor for an extended period of time, or use it to generate a stream of income, i.e. commercial or business purposes, opting for an air compressor rental would be a more practical and cost-efficient choice. Renting a compressor usually costs $100-$400 per day so given that information, you may want to consider how long you will be needing one for.
If it’s more of a one-time use and you don’t see yourself using it again in the next 6 or 12 months, then going for a rental is your best option.