Laser Hair Removal Tips First Time Patients Should Know

Isn’t it time to give up shaving and switch to laser technology? For many people who are tired of spending so much time shaving, waxing, tweezing, and applying cream, laser hair removal is a lifesaver. Since it effectively removes unwanted hair from any part of the body, including the face, legs, arms, bikini line,  underarms, and more, it’s one of the most popular and common treatments. However, if this is your first time, you might feel anxious. Thus, these are our initial patient tips for laser hair removal. Some helpful hints for laser hair removal are provided below, which should help you better understand the procedure and what to expect!

What to do before your appointment?

Knowing what to do in advance of a laser hair removal procedure is crucial if you’ve never had one before. Here are some points to remember:

If you wax or tweeze, you should wait for at least six weeks before going for your first laser hair removal treatment. The hair follicle must be able to be recognized by the laser.

As long as you use a new blade, shaving before your session is acceptable. Using a blade that has been previously used puts you at risk for contact dermatitis. Before your treatment, avoid going into sun for two weeks to prevent pigmentation of the skin.

Caffeine should be avoided for 24 hours prior to your session. If you take any antibiotics, make sure to discuss them with your doctor. Antibiotics may exacerbate photosensitivity making after care difficult.

What to know about post treatment?

It’s critical that you understand and adhere to these instructions after receiving your laser hair removal treatment.The shedding of hair can happen three to thirty days after your session. Redness may appear instantly and linger for a few hours.

You can gently scrub and exfoliate your skin, but be careful not to push hairs out before they are ready.

Try to avoid the sun for a week following your laser hair removal procedure. Use a strong sunscreen to protect your skin if you must be outside in the sun. Refrain from picking at blisters or scratching your skin.

Apply vitamin E or aloe vera gel to your skin. After a shower, avoid wiping the skin with a towel  but rather gently pat dry your skin.

Be patient

Being patient is one of the most crucial laser hair removal advices. Attending your appointment and expecting to see results the same day is not realistic. Sadly, that isn’t how the procedure operates. It may take a few sessions before the amazing effects of this treatment become visible. Once you see the results, you won’t ever pick up a razor again.

Some hair may grow back thicker

Hair is a complex part of the body. While most areas will see the results with laser hair removal, some areas may see hair grow back thicker and longer if your licensed professional isn’t careful. The face is one of those trouble spots where hair can regrow thicker. Just keep that in mind before you ask your nurse to put more pressure on your face!

Different skin types need different lasers

There are so many gorgeous skin types in the world! However, this implies that you require the right laser and setting for your skin type. Our certified specialist will assess your skin type prior to your laser hair removal procedure to make sure the best and safest laser is used.

Just in case you are looking to take laser treatment you would definitely want to go to experienced professionals in laser hair removal, West Bromwich. Fresh Aesthetics is one those places where you will come out not only safe but looking beautiful.

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