Is Whey Protein Worth It? 5 Things You Should Know

Regarding working out, protein is one of the most critical aspects. This is why many people are looking to get their fill of protein, mainly because it’s our bodies’ leading muscle builder. Many people eat a lot of meat and fish to have their fill since these food items are one of the primary protein sources. However, more and more people nowadays are looking into other protein sources like soy, pea, and even protein water. 

However, one source of protein that is getting a lot of attention lately is whey protein. It’s one of the best-selling protein sources lately, and many brands have popped up advertising their great formula for whey protein. That said, if you’re unfamiliar with whey protein, you’re in luck because, in this article, we will talk about some things you should know about whey protein. Let’s start.

What is Whey Anyway?

If you have no clue what whey is in the first place, it’s a byproduct of the dairy production process. We know it doesn’t sound exciting or yummy sounding, but hear us out. Simply put, all dairy products have whey, one of the main proteins found in dairy, along with casein.

During the processing of dairy products into powder, the liquid milk is separated into solid curds, which are casein, and the liquid, which is whey. That said, whey has been found to promote gains in muscle building and strength, not to mention that it also promotes faster healing.   

Types of Whey Protein

To make things more interesting, whey protein has three main types: concentrate, isolate, and hydrolysate.

Concentrate: Concentrate can be up to 70-80% protein and contains lactose and fat. Out of all the three types of whey protein, it’s the most flavorful.

Isolate: Isolate is 90% protein or even higher in some instances. That said, it has less lactose and fat. However, it also has fewer nutrients needed for the body, primarily muscle building.  

Hydrolysate: Hydrolysate, also known as hydrolyzed whey, is a type of whey protein that is pre-digested so that it gets absorbed by your body much faster. It has the same nutrients as concentrate; however, it causes a spike in insulin.

Out of all the types of whey protein, concentrate seems to be the best option. However, you can still pick the other types since other brands also sell products containing one of the other types of whey protein.

Benefits of Whey Protein

While whey protein has a lot of beneficial nutrients for your body, people usually consume them to promote protein synthesis and support hypertrophy. In short, it is very beneficial if you’re looking to build more muscle mass and growth over time. And since it promotes protein synthesis, it also helps you recover faster after an intense workout routine. The efficient use of the Top-rated whey protein powders has become a major staple in the health community. This is especially true for bodybuilders, strength athletes, Crossfitters, etc.

When Should You Take Whey Protein?

You can take whey protein shakes any time of the day; however, when you want optimal timing, you should know a few things. Nutrient timing is very important for workouts, so the most optimal time to take whey protein is before or after a workout. But remember, whey protein is especially potent when paired with a balanced and healthy diet. It’s also not a food supplement, so you should not replace your meals.

Are There Risks?

There will always be risks when it comes to supplements like whey protein. Luckily, for whey protein, they’re not that bad. So for starters, whey protein might give you acne. Whey can mess with your acne-causing hormones like androgen and insulin. Also, since it comes to dairy products, lactose-intolerant people might have a bad time, which includes symptoms like stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. In rare cases, people with pre-existing kidney problems might experience further damage over time if they keep consuming whey protein. 

That said, if you still want to consume whey protein but with fewer of those risks, you can opt for isolate is the most optimal. As mentioned earlier, they have less lactose and fats, which is excellent for people with lactose intolerance. However, you might still feel symptoms depending on how severe your lactose intolerance is. That said, it’s essential for you to talk to your doctor first before trying out whey protein supplements.

Final Words

Out of all protein sources in the market, one of the most talked about is whey protein and for a good reason. It’s one of the best sources of whey protein next to meat and fish, and many athletes and health enthusiasts have been using the latest, and the effects are evident. That said, if you want to gain muscle mass and recover faster to be more efficient in the gym, you might want to try whey protein.

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