Diabetes: An Overview
Diabetes is a serious health condition that remains with you lifelong and is characterized by high blood sugar levels. Insulin hormone, which is secreted by the pancreatic gland, regulates the sugar level in your blood, thus helping manage diabetes.
As diabetes leads to increased blood sugar levels, most people think that only reducing blood sugar levels is sufficient to control diabetes. But this isn’t true. High cholesterol is also found to be associated with diabetes and could be a reason behind your high blood sugar levels. Also, if you are suffering from diabetes, you are more likely to develop high cholesterol. Hence both the conditions often go hand in hand.
However, a healthy lifestyle and a few medications will help in reducing the symptoms of both high cholesterol and diabetes.
Diabetes And High Cholesterol: What Is The Connection?
High blood sugar and high cholesterol are often found to be interlinked. For example, in a research study, it has been found that diabetes can lead to diabetic dyslipidemia which is a chronic health issue characterized by a lower level of HDL(good) cholesterol and increased LDL(bad) cholesterol and triglycerides levels.
High LDL levels lead to plaque formation on the artery walls, thus making them narrower and restricting the blood supply to your heart and brain. This in turn makes you more susceptible to heart attack and stroke.
Hence researchers suggest that a person with normal blood sugar levels can also be at an increased risk of cardiovascular and other health problems. Experts also believe that people can reduce their chronic health problems by decreasing their cholesterol levels.
However, researchers still don’t have enough evidence to support the relationship between diabetes and high cholesterol. Some of them found that blood sugar, cholesterol and insulin hormones that regulate blood cholesterol impacted each other and often interacted with each other in the body. But the exact cause behind this is still unknown.
Thus, if you have diabetes, apart from controlling your blood sugar levels, keep an eye on your cholesterol levels.
Combined Effect Of Diabetes And High Cholesterol On Body
Both high cholesterol and blood sugar levels can lead to some severe side effects if left uncontrolled like:
Erection Issues In Men
Inability to have an erection in men is often associated with high blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Both the conditions can cause damage to the arteries that are supplying blood to the penis, thus restricting the blood flow leading to a failed erection.
Pills like vidalista 60 are mainly prescribed by doctors to help men get back their erections. Vidalista 60 has tadalafil as an active drug component that aids in the relaxation of the penile smooth muscles, thus leading to an erection by improving the blood flow to the penis. But before starting or stopping taking vidalista 60, consult your doctor first, as vidalista 60 can lead to potential side effects and drug interactions.
Heart Attack
High blood sugar and high cholesterol are the leading causes of heart disease and heart attack. These can cause hindrance in the blood flow to your heart by damaging and narrowing the arteries carrying oxygenated blood to the heart. The lack of oxygen-rich blood in the gut can give rise to heart disease and eventually lead to a heart attack.
Several pills like nitrates are available for treating heart conditions, but they should be used cautiously if you are taking pills like vidalista 60. This is because nitrates and vidalista 60 interact with each other and can lead to a sudden lowering of your blood pressure resulting in dizziness and fatigue.
Damaged blood vessels can lead to the accumulation of blood at a place leading to the formation of blood clots. If they travel to the brain, these blood clots may get clogged in the arteries that are supplying oxygenated blood to your brain, causing a stroke. A stroke can cause damage to your brain and can be life-threatening.
Kidney Disease
Both diabetes and high cholesterol can lead to kidney disease too. Besides blocking the heart and brain arteries, they can damage the arteries supplying blood to the kidneys, thus hindering the blood supply to them. Lack of blood can restrict your kidneys’ normal functioning, which can lead to kidney disease and eventually to kidney failure.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is also one of the serious outcomes of high cholesterol and blood sugar. Damaged arteries that carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart restrict the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart required for the normal functioning of your heart.
Lack of sufficient oxygenated blood to your heart, makes the heart work harder to pump blood to other body parts which can cause strain to the arteries. Due to the strain, the streets further restrict blood flow through them, causing a rise in blood pressure.
Doctors often prescribe alpha-blockers to high blood pressure patients to lower their blood pressure. Remember to consult the doctor before taking any high blood pressure medicines. It is because many other commonly used medicines like PDE5 inhibitor group of drugs, Vidalista 60 affects the blood flow rate. This doesn’t mean men with high blood pressure cannot consume Vidalista 60; it’s just that you should consult the doctor before use.
Diabetes and high cholesterol both are serious health issues that can’t be ignored. They can often co-occur and can make the situation worse. But still both the conditions can be managed effectively with a few lifestyle changes and a few medications.
People can achieve their goals by eating foods rich in fiber and healthy fats and avoiding sugary food items and unhealthy fats. They can also lower their blood sugar and cholesterol levels by exercising daily. However, if you have diabetes then controlling your cholesterol levels is also crucial to prevent any health complications.