How to Combine Videos Easily in 2022

There are many features built-in  Wondershare UniConverter and one of the features which name is a merge and with the help of this feature, anyone can merge more Becomes only one video on time. It becomes necessary for you when different parts of video separate with each other then you need to assemble all Becomes only one video then it easily transfers, and it must be merged in back and you easily see without creating any distribution. The new Wondershare Uniconverter provides different opportunities such as compressing many Becomes only one video file or one video.

 How to combine Becomes only one video on Window | UniConverter 13

Process step 1:  To  bring in all videos clips that are fragmented.

Let’s look now we are going to learn how to  bring in video clips that are separated from each other. First, you choose merger option on the dashboard which locate on the left area of the Wondershare Univeconverter interface which is displayed on your computer windows. Second, there are two ways through using you can add files as first, you go to the top of the left corner window and to open the box then collect all videos which you wish to combining. And if all videos are saved at different files of computer, then you need to select the file again and again for the complete process.

Process Step 2: Decide on a format for the output.

In the second step, you need to select all the videos which you wish to gather and to select the qualities that you desire to keep and it easily happens from the main window’s bottom just you need to select the Down Arrow tab.

Process step number 3:  Join the clips together.

In the third step, On the right-side corner, there is an option displayed which name is High rapid Conversion and There are two ways which support speeding up that exist and you easily enable them by clicking on Ok. Another thing You need to see at the bottom of the screen is software where you easily see the filename place and when you press on click Strat All then all videos selected by you merge then it becomes only video.

Process step number 4:  The product file can be accessed.

Finally, you reached your results when your file conversion process is completed and you easily see the finished word at the top of the tab window center.


With 2022 rapidly approaching, it has become imperative to employ the technologies that enable us to live a more advanced and productive existence. Wondershare Uniconverted is an example of a tool that makes combining video clips simple.

The post mentioned six advantages of using this excellent program in your daily life. We hope you start the new year off right with a fantastic application.

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