How To Administer First Aid To A Person Who Has Drowned

Drowning is one of the leading causes of death and injury in the world, and it is important to be prepared to administer first aid to those who have been affected. This article will explain how to recognize and administer first aid to a person who has drowned.

Recognizing Drowning

The signs of drowning can vary depending on the situation, but generally they include gasping or hyperventilation, silent calls for help, and a lack of movement in the water. It is important to be aware of the signs of drowning so that you can respond quickly and appropriately.

Administering First Aid

The first step in administering first aid to a person who has drowned is to call for help. If you are unable to call for help, you should attempt to move the person out of the water and onto a safe area. Once the person is out of the water, you should check for a pulse and breathing. If the person is not breathing, you should begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Additionally, you should check for any signs of injury or illness and provide appropriate medical care as needed.

Administering first aid to a person who has drowned can be a daunting task, but it is important to remain calm and take the necessary steps to help the person. Remember to call for help, move the person out of the water, check for a pulse and breathing, and provide appropriate medical care as needed.

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