Back pain is one of the debilitating experiences that you may not want to have in your lifetime. While there are many triggers of discomfort in your back, a herniated disc is a common cause. The herniated disc symptoms usually vary depending on the bulging disc’s impact on the surroundings. For example, if your slipped disc compresses your sciatic nerves, you may experience sharp pain through your legs which can limit your mobility, thus lowering your productivity. That is why the pain specialist from Yancey Pain & Spine shares the following tips to help you prevent the herniated disc, thus helping you live on top of your life.
Carry Items Properly
You will lift the items from the ground at some point in your life. Your lifting techniques say a lot when it comes to your spinal health. Poor techniques, such as bending your waist when carrying objects, usually increase the chances of wear and tear along your spinal disc in the long run. Instead, it would help if you bent your knees when lifting objects to alleviate the excessive strain from your back.
Maintain the Healthy Weight
Do you know that being overweight can predispose you to a herniated disc? Usually, the excessive fats in the body cause unnecessary strain on the spine, increasing the likelihood of dislocation in your spinal discs. It would help if you substituted processed meals with healthy foods to keep your weight at healthy ranges.
Quit Smoking
Another reason you should kick off the smoking habit is to maintain your spine wellness. When you smoke, the cigarette chemicals usually constrict the blood vessels, thus limiting the blood supply to the spinal disc. Consequently, your spinal disc will degenerate due to reduced oxygen supply and nourishment. The heavy coughing when you smoke can also heighten stress on your spine, worsening the herniated disc symptoms.
Adjust Your Sleep Position
Probably, you have ever woken up having some discomfort in your back. This instance shows a connection between your sleeping position and your back health. For example, when you sleep on your stomach, you usually put excessive stress on the lower back, increasing the chances of disc dislocation over time. It would help if you adopted the correct sleeping positions, such as sleeping on your sides. Keep turning after some time to avoid strains on your shoulder joints.
Manage Your Stress
You may think your mental wellness has nothing to do with your spine, but you are mistaken. When stressed, your body releases stress hormones which cause muscle and ligament tension. With time, muscle tightness will cause complications in your spinal disc.
Therefore, if you notice stress symptoms, you should embrace the stress relief measures such as meditation and biofeedback.
The herniated disc is one of the major causes of back pain. Usually, the slipped disc symptoms vary from one patient to another based on the spine segment having this condition. In whichever case, the persistent symptoms can hold the patient’s quality of life hostage. Fortunately, certain measures can help you minimize the risk of a herniated disc. For example, using the correct lifting techniques is necessary to avoid excessive strain on the spinal disc.