Hormones will always be present in milk due to the nature of the product. Cows, are classified as mammals because they produce their own hormones to regulate their reproductive functions. Because oestrogen is generally regarded as a female hormone, many people, particularly men, are concerned about the presence of oestrogen in milk and other dairy products.
In addition to calcium and protein, cow’s milk contains vitamin B12 and other important nutrients as well. When it comes to dairy, one of the disadvantages is the presence of hormones in the products.
Men may also be concerned about the phytoestrogens found in soy milk because it is frequently used as a substitute for cow’s milk in cooking. There is good news: According to studies, the phytoestrogens found in soy milk do not increase oestrogen levels in the bloodstream. Several health benefits are associated with soy milk.
We spoke to Dr Niketa Sonavane, one of the best dermatologist in Mumbai and founder of Ambrosia Aesthetics to clear our doubts.
The presence of oestrogen in cow’s milk has been shown to increase the levels of oestrogen in men’s blood. Men may be at increased risk for prostate cancer if growth hormones are present in their milk, which is another possibility.
Despite the fact that most people associate oestrogen with women, the hormone can be found in both men and women. On the whole, it is agreed that oestrogen is the female hormone, and testosterone is the male hormone. Both men and women produce oestrogen and testosterone on a daily basis, and both have similar levels.
Estrogen is a hormone family, not a single hormone. An array of hormones that are all interconnected in some way is referred to as a steroid hormone complex. As reported in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, estriol, estradiol, and estrone are the three primary oestrogens, with estradiol being the most common.
Men’s oestrogen levels are found to be lower than those of women, according to research. Oestrogen plays a role in the development of female reproductive organs, as well as in the occurrence of menstruation and pregnancy. When it comes to men’s health, oestrogen has been shown to be associated with lower levels of cholesterol and better bone health.
Both men and women experience fluctuations in their oestrogen levels. Doctors should check the levels of this hormone in both men and women on a regular basis because it is critical to a variety of bodily functions.
Estrogen Derived from Dairy Products
The fact is that cows do not produce milk on their own, is contrary to popular belief. Following the birth of a calf, the female cow enters lactation, just as a human would do after giving birth. As is true in humans, the levels of oestrogen in pregnant cows are higher than those in non-pregnant cows. Some scientists are concerned about the consumption of milk from pregnant cows that have been genetically improved to produce more milk, particularly by men and children, because it has been linked to increased milk production.
It has been discovered by a study published in the journal Pediatrics International that commercial milk contains high levels of the oestrogen and progesterone hormones, which are associated with female sexuality.
Drinking milk had a positive effect on female sexual desire, but it also had a negative effect on male sexual desire, as discovered by the researchers. The levels of the hormone oestrogen increased in all participants, regardless of their gender or age.
According to recent research, regular consumption of cow’s milk may have an adverse effect on the sexual development of prepubescent children. Gonadotropin, a hormone that stimulates the production of sex hormones necessary for puberty, is suppressed by the oestrogen found in milk, posing a problem for growing female reproductive systems.
Hormones can be found in milk in two forms: those that occur naturally and those that are synthesised. The Food and Drug Administration of the United States has given the go-ahead for the use of a number of steroid hormone drugs in the production of beef cattle. Differing from beef cattle, which are naturally endowed with hormones, dairy cows do not have this advantage.
According to the Food and Drug Administration, cows naturally produce the hormones oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. In animal products, according to the FDA, these hormones are present in extremely low concentrations, making them safe for human consumption.
Dairy products contain growth hormones, as well as sperm and oestrogen, which are important for reproduction. In recent years, questions have been raised about whether or not human growth hormone (rBGH), a man-made hormone intended to increase milk production in cows, raises insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) levels in people who consume cow’s milk.
In accordance with the American Cancer Society, it is possible that IGF-1 levels in milk from cows treated with rBGH are elevated. Adults who consume cow’s milk may be at an increased risk of developing certain cancers, according to some research findings. More research is required to determine whether IGF-1 derived from cow’s milk is associated with an increased risk of developing cancer.
Men who are concerned about the amount of oestrogen in their milk may be interested to know that there is a link between IGF-1 and an increased risk of prostate cancer in some cases. Earlier this year, researchers reported that drinking cow’s milk was associated with an increased risk of developing prostate cancer. The findings were published in the journal Cancer Causes & Control. According to the researchers, the high IGF-1 content of cow’s milk may be a contributing factor.
In the past, research has linked dairy products to an increased risk of prostate cancer, and it is thought that the oestrogen found in milk is responsible for this association. Following a Western diet that is high in dairy and meat, the researchers discovered, men have higher levels of oestrogen in their blood. Despite consuming more cow’s milk than Asian men, Western men have higher oestrogen levels than Asian men.
The consumption of cow’s milk has been linked to a number of other cancers. According to a recent study, people who are lactose intolerant are at an increased risk of developing cancer. For those with food intolerances who avoid dairy products, their risk of developing breast, ovarian, and lung cancer is lower than for others. People who come from families with a history of these cancers may be at higher risk of developing them as a result of their consumption of dairy products.
Is it appropriate for men to consume cow’s milk?
Dairy products are recommended as part of a well-balanced diet according to the United States Dietary Guidelines. Currently, the recommended daily intake of dairy products in the United States is two to three cups per person per day. Instead of cow’s milk, fortified soy milk can be consumed to meet this nutrient requirement.
Males can consume cow’s milk because of its nutritional value, but they should be aware that it contains hormones, which they should avoid if possible. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are all female reproductive hormones that can be found in milk. In addition to growth hormones, milk contains other hormones that have been linked to an increased risk of certain cancers in humans.
If at all possible, avoid drinking milk from cows that have been treated with hormones or antibiotics. Beef and dairy producers use hormones, both natural and synthetic, to increase the number of cattle they can produce for beef and dairy products. This group of hormones, which are required for the production of testosterone, may be harmful to the health of men, women, and children who take them on a regular basis. Enriched soy milk is a hormone-free alternative to cow’s milk that is also high in protein.