The popular American sitcom Willy, The Prince of Bel-Air aired in the 1990s, and it is still remembered fondly by many viewers. The show follows the story of the Banks family, and their adopted son, Willy. Willy, played by the talented Will Smith, is a street-smart young man who moves from West Philadelphia to the luxurious Bel-Air neighborhood. The show follows Willy as he adjusts to the new culture, and how he uses his wit and charm to navigate the upper-class world.
The cast of Willy, The Prince of Bel-Air includes several memorable characters. Here is a look at each of the characters and their roles in the show.
Cast of Willy, The Prince of Bel-Air
Will Smith as Willy Banks: Willy is the main character of the show, a street-smart young man from West Philadelphia who moves to the affluent Bel-Air neighborhood. He is wise and often uses his wit to get out of difficult situations.
Alfonso Ribeiro as Carlton Banks: Carlton is Willy’s wealthy cousin and the only son of the Banks family. He is an overachieving preppy who is often the butt of Willy’s jokes.
Tatyana Ali as Ashley Banks: Ashley is Willy’s younger cousin and the only daughter of the Banks family. She is a smart and independent young woman who often stands up to Willy’s antics.
Karyn Parsons as Hilary Banks: Hilary is Willy’s older cousin and the eldest child of the Banks family. She is a fashionable socialite who is often seen as the voice of reason in the Banks family.
Joseph Marcell as Geoffrey: Geoffrey is the Banks family’s loyal butler. He has a dry wit and often helps Willy out of difficult situations.
Janice Banks as Aunt Viv: Aunt Viv is the matriarch of the Banks family and the mother of Willy’s cousins. She is a strong and independent woman who often acts as a surrogate mother to Willy.
Detailed Character Profiles
Willy Banks: Willy is the main character of the show, a street-smart young man from West Philadelphia who moves to the affluent Bel-Air neighborhood. He is wise and often uses his wit to get out of difficult situations. He is also kind and generous, and is always willing to help his friends and family. Willy is played by the