Vis a Vis – The Price of Redemption is a Spanish drama series produced by Globomedia and aired on Antena 3. The series follows the story of Macarena Ferreiro, a young woman who is sent to prison for a crime she didn’t commit. The series follows her journey as she navigates the dangerous and complex world of prison and her struggle to find redemption. The series features an ensemble cast of characters, all of whom bring a unique perspective to the show.
Cast of Vis a Vis – The Price of Redemption
The series stars Maggie Civantos as Macarena Ferreiro, the protagonist of the show. She is a young woman who is sent to prison for a crime she didn’t commit and must find a way to survive in this harsh environment.
Alba Flores plays Zulema Zahir, a powerful and dangerous drug trafficker who leads the prison’s criminal organization. She is Macarena’s main antagonist and often causes her trouble.
Najwa Nimri plays Saray Vargas de Jesús, the prison’s director. She is a manipulative and calculating woman who seeks to control the prison and its inhabitants.
Marta Aledo plays Tere León, a lawyer and Macarena’s mentor. She is determined to help Macarena get out of prison and prove her innocence.
Roberto Enríquez plays Cruz Delgado, Macarena’s former lover and a police officer. He is determined to discover the truth about Macarena’s case and help her find redemption.
Rocío Muñoz Morales plays Sole, Macarena’s best friend in prison. She is a loyal and supportive friend who helps Macarena through her struggles.
The series also features a wide array of supporting characters, including inmates, prison guards, and other characters from the outside world.
Vis a Vis – The Price of Redemption features a talented ensemble cast of characters that bring the show to life. The series follows the story of Macarena Ferreiro, a young woman who is sent to prison for a crime she didn’t commit, and her journey to find redemption in a dangerous and complex world.