While it is not advisable to grill under a tarp canopy because of its risks, this doesn’t mean that you cannot do it altogether. There are some circumstances, such as when it’s raining or snowing outside, where you have to grill inside a covered area. You can thus take certain precautions to ensure that your canopy does not catch fire in those circumstances.
In this article, we take a close look at the risks associated with grilling under canopy tarps and discuss tips to help you grill under a canopy tent safely.
1. Flammable canopy material
Grilling under a canopy is typically not advised by canopy manufacturers. The majority of canopy covers are constructed of materials like polyester, vinyl, or polyethylene, none of which are fireproof. In fact, if these plastics are placed near a fire, they will melt and could produce dangerous fumes. The canopy must be adjusted to the highest level in order to maintain the most amount of cooling.
2. Canopies can get too hot.
The first danger of grilling beneath a canopy is overheating the canopy. Depending on the canopy’s material, it may begin to melt or even catch fire.
Therefore, it’s critical to understand the dangers of hot air from a grill striking the canopy cover. Not to mention that the grill’s smoke can stain the canopy and leave a residue of dark soot.
3. Smoke and smell of residue
The smoke odor and residue left after grilling under a cover represent the final major concern.
The grill will leave a smoke smell and residue on the canopy even if you can grill there safely and successfully. Therefore, be aware that even if you are not grilling under the same canopy when you utilize it for future events, the smoke smell and residue can still be present.
Tips to grill under a canopy tent safely.
It is time to discuss some suggestions on how to make grilling beneath a tent canopy as safe as possible now that you are aware of the various issues that could arise while you are grilling.
1. Place the grill far from your house.
The grill should be positioned at least 10 feet away from any building or dwelling. This is crucial. Grills generate a lot of heat. Therefore you don’t want to unintentionally ignite a wildfire on a substantial building. Therefore, if at all feasible, situate the grill and canopy at least 10 feet away from the house.
2. Avoid using Lighter Fluid.
A huge fire or flare-up can be caused by using lighter fluid or other fire accelerants, so stay away from them. A swift and powerful flame can melt or ignite the canopy’s cover if it reaches it. So when grilling beneath a canopy, be sure to utilize a low, regulated fire. This also means that you should attempt to avoid grilling fatty meals directly over the fire, as this could result in a significant flare-up.
3. Vent in canopy cover
The smoke and heat will rapidly fill the canopy cover if you grill outdoors under a canopy tent. A vent or exhaust hole will assist the smoke in safely exiting the canopy and prevent the buildup of smoke underneath the cover.
If your canopy lacks exhaust vents, a small fan can be placed to blast smoke out the side. Exhaust vents are sometimes included in canopies. In the worst scenario, if the meal is smoking significantly, the canopy cover may fill up with smoke, which can be bothersome or unpleasant to cook beneath.
4. Put the canopy anchors in place.
To prevent the canopy tent from toppling over or flying away, firmly anchor it to the ground using pegs, rope, or sandbags. The last thing you want when cooking beneath a canopy is for it to begin to fly away and expose your grill to the elements.
5. Have a fire extinguisher within your reach
A fire extinguisher should always be nearby when grilling. Have the necessary firefighting gear on hand to extinguish tiny spot fires. Do this only if you are experienced and confident in your ability to control the tiny fire. Call emergency fire services if it doesn’t respond to your attempts.
6. Make sure that you clean the grill.
Cleaning the grill is one of the best preventative measures you can take to lessen the amount of smoke you produce when grilling.
The grill will operate more efficiently and emit less smoke if any extra fat, grease, ash, or dirt is removed. So be sure to clean the grill before using it if you intend to barbecue outside or in a covered area.
7. Never let the grill go unattended.
The grill should never be left unattended when cooking beneath a covered space. Grilling beneath a canopy has more dangers, so be sure to keep an eye on the grill at all times in case something goes wrong.
Wrapping up
You can grill food in practically any weather, thanks to the advantages of grilling under a cover.
However, grilling is not intended to be done with the majority of canopy cover materials. Grilling beneath a cover, therefore, entails greater fire dangers. Follow the advice in this article and be aware of the added risks if you do choose to cook under a canopy. It is possible to grill beneath a canopy with the necessary precautions.
Therefore, having a canopy can create the essential shade from rain and other unpleasant weather to allow you to continue grilling, whether you’re tailgating in a parking lot or barbecuing in a park.