Losing a few strands of hair daily is acceptable. But rapid hair fall and hair thinning along with a broadening forehead can be a serious reason for worry. And for all these, do you suspect dandruff in your head?
This is a familiar doubt that many people have. But the answer to this question can be shocking. No, dandruff never leads to hair fall or affects hair growth. Dandruff is a common problem. You may think that having dandruff and dandruff-like symptoms can lead to hair fall. But, dandruff does not directly lead to your increased hair fall. Having said this, both of them are associated. In most cases, the cause for your dandruff can be the principal reason for your hair loss.
Any medication conditions or infection can lead to both hair fall and dandruff. Severe dandruff can be very dangerous, which can injure your hair follicles or scalp. This can lead to stunted hair loss or hair thinning. In such extreme cases, you should immediately visit a dermatologist to get the underlying problem treated immediately.
Home Remedies For Dandruff
Dandruff is a symptom in the form of dry, itchy peel off of the scalp skin. It can arise from several factors like diet, skin type, hair products, medications, etc. There are many easy and effective home remedies for dandruff available. These home remedies for dandruff can prove to be very effective. And most of them are made with ingredients that are readily available in your home.
Usually, coconut oil with lemon, tree tea oil, Aloe Vera, Apple Cider vinegar are used in home remedies for dandruff. They work quite well in exfoliating the scalp. This removes any dandruff present and also nourishes the scalp.
The home remedies for dandruff prove to be very effective. And your hair fall should reduce immediately. If no such results are seen, contact a doctor.
Real Causes Of Hairfall Obscured By Dandruff
You may think that dandruff is the main problem behind your hair fall. But no, here are the issues that make your hair fall, and dandruff or flaky skin is just a symptom of the original problems.
1. Fungal Infections
Ringworm or tinea capitis can be the most common reason behind your itchy scalp. You can notice dry flakes of scalp or dandruff and blisters. Hair fall can also increase and may fall off in knots.
Other fungal infections can also cause hair loss in heavy amounts and dandruff. Antifungal treatment can help you to get rid of it.
Even home remedies for dandruff like coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, and essential oils like tea tree oil, lavender oil, and even lemongrass oil can fight infections effectively. In severe cases, a visit to a dermatologist can solve the problem.
2. Folliculitis Decalvans
It is a condition where inflammation of your hair follicles occurs at large. This makes your scalp cloggy and stiff. Crusts, erosions, scales, pustules, and even ulcers can occur.
Folliculitis decalvans start from a single point on your scalp and continue expanding outwards. Hence, this usually occurs in round or oval patches. Scars, sores, and inflammation caused by this infection can be the reason behind your dandruff and hair fall.
Itchiness and irritability of the scalp is the very first symptom of the inflammation of hair follicles. Over time, in the balding areas of the skin, redness, pustules, swelling, and scars are visible.
No everlasting treatment has been found for this problem till date. But a dual therapy regimen proves to be quite effective when constantly used for a span of three to five months.
3. Scalp Psoriasis
Persistent skin problem leading to skin cells’ piling up in different parts of our body is called Psoriasis. These surplus skin cells cause red-silvery patches that may crack, itch, flake, or bleed.
Scalp Psoriasis can also spread to your forehead, back of the ears, and neck. This is a common condition. But it can cause severe inflammation of the hair follicles that can be associated with serious health issues like high cholesterol, heart disease, insulin resistance, and many others.
Home remedies for dandruff, including Aloe Vera, Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking soda, and other such ingredients, can also treat Scalp Psoriasis. But leaving it unattended can cause severe Psoriasis, which can be very dangerous.
4. Lichen Planopilaris
A kind of Lichen planus, Lichen planopilaris, directly affects your hair and scalp. This leads to inflammation which affects the mucous membranes of the scalp.
Generally, the symptoms are itching and burning of the scalp. In severe cases, this can also result in pain. Other symptoms may include scaly skin, which causes dandruff and redness around hair follicles and bald patches.
There are different treatment options available which include oral and topical medications. Light therapy is also applied to cure this ailment.
5. Seborrheic Dermatitis
This is a common skin disorder that gives rise to flaky scales with an itchy rash. Light patches on dark skin and redness on fair skin can be observed as a symptom.
Seborrheic dermatitis also has different names like cradle cap, dandruff, seborrhea, seborrheic psoriasis, and seborrheic eczema.
Generally, this occurs on your scalp, but it can show up anywhere on your body. It can stem from different reasons, including stress, certain medical conditions, genetic conditions, change in weather, immune response, and even microbial infections.
The Bottom Line
Dandruff can never lead to hair fall. This is a misconception that has been prevailing for a long time. Dandruff is just a warning of an underlying issue that is causing hair fall and hair damage. Most of these issues resulting in dandruff and hair loss can be treated with proper medical attention. Home remedies can undoubtedly be effective. But in severe cases, visiting the dermatologist should be the first thing to do.
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