Successful selling on online web portals like, regardless of whether it is selling new or used product, or advertising services, depends on the quality of the advertisement you will make. To better explain what a quality ad means, we will talk about several components, and what were the answers of our longtime customers when we asked them what is important for a quality and successful ad. The four components that define a successful online ad are the title of the ad, the photos, the description and the price of the advertised product.
There are many ways in which an ad can be formulated, but an ad without a picture and with a short description is certainly not the way that leads to a successful ad. The same product or service, depending on how it is presented to the audience, can be sold faster or slower. Products bought from top shop mk or bazaro mk can be easily sold online if they are advertised correctly. The advertisers who sell on point out that the photos are the most important element in an advertisement, which mostly influences the success of the advertisement. Customers also think that good photos are crucial in deciding whether to look for one or another similar ad like that.
The next deciding factor in the list of our customers is the price. The determination of the real price, which is close to the real value of the advertised product and does not deviate significantly from the prices of such similar advertisements, is next on the list of the most important factors that define the success of an advertisement.
What “good photos” look like and what a good ad should look like, we will share with you below. Take a look at the following tips that our long-time successful advertisers and users of share with us.
Several tips for creating good looking photos
use original photos taken personally by the advertiser, not photos downloaded from the internet
upload as many photos as you can, so the potential client can see the product from all sides, and see all the details, all the advantages and disadvantages of the advertised product
quality photos are photos taken with good light, are not blurry, and can be zoomed without loosing their quality
3 tips for formulating a good ad title
write short and clear title that immediately tells what kind of product it is being advertised
use a title that contains words that the buyer would use when searching for the advertised product online
put a title that contains the exact name of the model and brand of the product, and does not contain unnecessary words like URGENT, URGENT, or NEW, NEW
Some tips for a good ad description
neatly formatted and grammatically correct description indicates a serious, reliable and trustworthy advertiser
a detailed description that clearly indicates the characteristics of the product, disadvantages, advantages, technical specifications, and any information that may influence the purchase decision should also be included
the description should be appropriate and true for the product, do not use text copied from another site or template text used for multiple ads
Experience shows that a well-formulated and complete advertisement creates trust among interested buyers. A good advertisement actually means trust that the advertised product is as shown through the photos and description. A title that briefly and clearly indicates what kind of product it is, a detailed description that contains everything that would interest a potential buyer, and pictures that clearly show the condition of the advertised product, indicate that the advertiser has made an effort, and that positively affects on the decision of the interested buyer. Finally, try to choose a great cover image and ad title that is really different from the others and attracts the attention of the reader. That way, your ad will surely be viewed by the largest number of users.
Online shopping is not just about products, on classified ad sites like Pazar3 people also search for avrm jobs
Classified ad sites can be very beneficial for everyone because here people buy and sell everything they like. They advertise products but also services and avrm jobs. Also here people sell things that they have bought from sites like bricolage mk but don’t need anymore.
No matter what you advertise following these tips shared above will definitely help you make fast and successful sales.