In 2018 and 2019, the Mexican government launched a nationwide competition to recruit new members into the country’s National System for Public Security (SNSP). The competition, known as the “Concurso de Ingreso a la Policía Basica del SNSP,” was designed to attract talented and dedicated individuals to join the ranks of Mexico’s police force, which is responsible for maintaining law and order throughout the country.
The competition was open to Mexican citizens who met certain basic qualifications, including a minimum age of 18 years, a high school diploma, and no criminal record. Applicants who met these requirements could then submit their application online through the official website of the SNSP.
The application process involved several steps, including a pre-registration period, an online exam, a physical fitness test, and an interview with a selection panel. The pre-registration period was particularly important, as it allowed applicants to confirm their eligibility and ensure that they met all of the necessary requirements.
During the pre-registration period, applicants were required to provide a range of personal information, including their name, age, address, and educational background. They also had to submit documentation to prove their eligibility, such as a high school diploma and a certificate of no criminal record.
Once the pre-registration period was complete, applicants could move on to the next stage of the competition: the online exam. This exam tested applicants’ knowledge and understanding of a range of topics, including Mexican law, police procedures, and public safety.
Applicants who passed the online exam were then invited to take a physical fitness test, which assessed their strength, endurance, and agility. The test involved a range of exercises, such as running, jumping, and lifting weights, and was designed to ensure that applicants were physically capable of performing the duties required of a police officer.
Finally, applicants who passed both the online exam and the physical fitness test were invited to an interview with a selection panel. This panel consisted of experienced police officers and other experts in the field of public safety, who asked applicants a range of questions to assess their suitability for the job.
Overall, the Concurso de Ingreso a la Policía Basica del SNSP was a rigorous and demanding competition that attracted a large number of applicants from across Mexico. The competition was widely seen as a positive step towards improving the quality of Mexico’s police force, which has long been criticized for corruption, inefficiency, and a lack of professionalism.
However, the competition also faced several challenges and criticisms, particularly in relation to its recruitment methods and the suitability of some of the applicants who were selected. Some critics argued that the competition relied too heavily on online testing and did not do enough to assess applicants’ practical skills and experience.
Others raised concerns about the lack of diversity among the applicants and the potential for discrimination against certain groups, such as women and members of indigenous communities. Despite these criticisms, however, the Concurso de Ingreso a la Policía Basica del SNSP was generally seen as a positive development for Mexico’s public safety sector, and it remains an important part of the country’s ongoing efforts to improve law and order across the nation.
Looking ahead, it is clear that there is still much work to be done to strengthen Mexico’s police force and ensure that it is able to meet the challenges of the 21st century. However, initiatives like the Concurso de Ingreso a la Policía Basica del SNSP provide an important foundation for these efforts, and they demonstrate the Mexican government’s commitment to improving public safety and protecting the rights and interests of all its citizens.