Working Principle of Battery Charge Controller

The principle of operation of such a charge controller It uses a short electric wave to charge the battery. This charge controller Will be equipped with solar panels and batteries. If the voltage level in the battery is below specified level.

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 The controller will immediately release the load from the system. To prevent excessive battery discharge and potentially harm the battery. The load shedding voltage is typically set at approximately 11.5 volts (V) for a system voltage of 12 volts, and when the voltage level is The electricity in the battery is higher than normal. That means receiving solar panels full solar energy again The charge controller will reconnect the working cycle of the load.


  A battery is a device used to store backup power. which will be able to recharge energy continuously until the end of its useful life But batteries cannot generate electricity by themselves. It is efficient in storing energy and distributing only the energy available in the battery. when the voltage level in the battery drops Therefore, it is necessary to recharge the electrical energy to store or recharge (Recharge), even according to the working theory of Batteries can charge up to 100 percent of their electrical energy, but storing and distributing energy is subject to factors such as heat and certain chemical reactions. which results in about 20 percent of energy loss, etc.

working principle of battery

In the solar cell system The battery will charge the electricity from the solar panel. to accumulate the energy produced Keep it for use when there is no sunlight or at night. In practice, all types of batteries can be used for solar systems. In general, it is often used as a lead-acid battery (Lead-Acid Battery) for the reason that it can be easily purchased and generally cheaper. But effective in use with solar cell systems Because this type of battery is unable to supply low level electrical power continuously. Which battery is suitable for that solar cell system Is a type of high charge battery (Deep Discharge Battery), but that is not popular. because it is almost twice as expensive

  Lead-Acid Battery

Properties of lead-acid batteries The main component is a lead plate connected to the positive (+) and negative (-) electrodes immersed in a chemical solution called “Sulfuric acid, also known as electrolyte solution” is produced when sulfur molecules are discharged from the electrolyte solution attached to the lead plates in the battery. which emits high amounts of electrons when the cell is charged again Many electrons go back into the electrolyte solution. When the electron movement occurs as follows Resulting in voltage from these chemical reactions.

  Deep Discharge Battery

High discharge battery (Deep Discharge Battery). This type of battery. It is designed to have a feature that can continue to use the energy stored in the battery up to 80 percent without damaging the battery. or even if the voltage level in the battery is left to any extent which if it is a general lead-acid battery If using more than 20-30 percent of the available electricity may shorten its lifespan. or unable to supply low level electrical power out to be able to use it

Electrical system adjuster (Inverter)

Inverter (Inverter) or micro inverter is a device that acts to modify direct current (DC) power from solar panels or from batteries To be an alternating current (AC) system that is used as a normal system in homes from the power supply with constant voltage and frequency to direct current (DC).

working principle of inverter machine

Inside the device, there is a converter circuit, which converts direct current (DC voltage) to alternating current (AC Voltage) that can change the voltage and frequency. Then the resulting electricity is sent. Adjust the voltage and frequency to the inverter circuit by converting the alternating current from the AC Power Supply (50 Hz) to direct current (DC Voltage) and delivering the alternating current to the load or electrical appliances. there

In general, AC power supplies have a sinusoidal waveform. but the output of The inverter or micro inverter may have a different electrical waveform. There is also control circuit (Control Circuit) that controls the operation of the converter circuit and inverter circuit to be suitable according to the qualifications as well

  1. Light energy and heat from solar radiation
  2. Battery Charge Controller
  3. Inverter machine or micro inverter
  4. Alternating Current (AC) Control Cabinet
  5. The meter distributes electricity by transmission line from the solar cell system.

  In addition, the inverter or micro inverter can also help prevent overload problems, brownouts and interference. to help prevent damage to appliances and equipment electricity as well

In addition, inverters or micro inverters are also used in many electrical appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, televisions, and servo motor control systems. due to the high demand to reduce energy loss Especially while starting work or from losses in the iron core and in the coil as well

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