The Future is Circular Fashion: What Is It & How Do We Benefit From It?

Textiles, in general, are an integral part of our everyday lives. We rely on it for various things, from clothing to healthcare stuff, furniture, etc. The fashion industry, in particular, is now under scrutiny for a lot of concerns in sustainability and conditions of workers, especially in fast fashion. With that, the need for more sustainable practices in the fashion industry is urgent.

What is Circular Fashion?

Circular fashion is based on the economic models of circularity, wherein It’s the result of economic frameworks that emphasize commercial prospects based on cycles instead of linear operations. It is designed to be restorative and regenerative to maximize the usability and value of goods, services, and materials at all times.

Circular fashion, according to Brismar, is defined as clothing, shoes, and apparel that are intended, sourced, produced, and distributed to be used and circulated ethically and responsibly in the community. It aims to circulate it for as long as necessary from their most utilization and then return safely to the global ecosystem when it is no longer useful to humans.

What’s the Difference?

Circular fashion differs from linear fashion. Linear fashion refers to buying clothes and then eventually getting bored of them. You then decide to dispose of it by throwing it in the trash or donating it, which frequently winds up in a landfill.

On the other hand, circular fashion is always about making a cycle with your items purchased and reducing the need to generate new materials or clothes by repurposing what is currently on the market.

What are its Benefits to the Environment?

Switching to a circular economy entails more than just making changes to mitigate the linear economy’s negative effects. Rather, it is a systemic shift that promotes long-term resilience, creates commercial and economic advantages, and benefits the environment and society. Here are several reasons why clothing brands must participate in making this transition:

Textile waste is reduced.

When creating circular apparel, waste reduction is a primary focus so that manufacturers can reuse the resources. Therefore, lessening the waste that ends up in the landfill.

Lesser need to farm raw resources

Circular fashion encourages the reuse of existing materials, which decreases the need to develop new materials from raw resources. In addition, it employs more eco-friendly practices by reusing materials.

Reducing Pollution through Green Energy

Most circular clothing brands collaborate with third-party manufacturing and transportation partners who employ renewable energy sources like wind and solar. Circular fashion promotes the use of green energy in manufacturing apparel which supports the causes of sustainability.

How Can You Contribute to Circular Fashion?

Naturally, the cause of circular fashion relies not only on the hands of the brands and clothing manufacturers but also on the consumers. Firstly, you should only purchase clothing if you have a genuine need. Fast fashion businesses thrive on contemporary clothing and entice customers with the promise of looking like the next it-girl.

So rather than succumbing to passing trends, fill up your wardrobe with high-quality classics that you should wear for a long time. Also, if you’re on the lookout for new clothes, go for high-quality, long-lasting items and support firms that practice fashion circularity.

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