Kayaking Safety Tips – How to Paddle a Kayak Correctly

Kayaking has dramatically increased their popularity over the past few years, and, unsurprisingly, they are not only a wholly green and fun sport. But it’s also excellent training for the cardiovascular and muscular systems, allowing you to see the world from a whole new perspective. Including a rest in the body as well, you can say that this is another sports tourism activity that has it all. 

Therefore, it’s no surprise that Rowing and cruises will become an activity Sports tourism another type that is very popular today. Rowing and cruises considered a group activity they usually do it as a group, a family or a group of friends. It is an activity that helps to build relationships because, during Boating or cruising, everyone will be helping each other, always being together while doing this kind of activity.

Whatever; if you are curious about Kayaking, you can Kayak Rentals in Charlestonwhat, where you can get kayaking basics to playing a sea kayak.  Besides, Kayaking does not sink the boat in the water. It is not that difficult. Just ask you to practice and follow the techniques of Kayaking as follows.

Kayaking to the front:

Back rowing is similar to paddle forward. But the difference is that it changes from dragging the blade to the back. Is dragging the paddle to the front of the hull. Rhythmic and consistent weight they should also turn their backs and should look and be careful not to hit any obstacles (if any).

Kayaking to the back:

When looking for a suitable and suitable place and sitting position, use the palm of your hand to grip the paddle on the raised portion (grip), not too tight or too loose. It uses the non-dominant hand to engage the other side loosely to support the movement of the paddle. When the paddles are switched left and right facing outward, the distance between the hands is approximately the shoulders’ width, then dipped a paddle on either side of the kayak. 

Besides, twisting the body slightly to the side of the row, then drag the paddle back to the back of the boat, still holding it with both hands. Drag until the side of the row. Near the waist, the area then raises the paddle above the water at an angle perpendicular to the water. Move the paddle to the other side, like holding the motorcycle’s handlebars until the other side of the paddle is immersed in water, similar to what you did the other side before. Switch and keep the rhythm and water just right.

Kayaking, turning left, or turn right:

To turn left, keep the hand holding the paddle on the left side at cheek level. With the right paddle immersed in water, pushing the left arm forward, and the right arm dragging the back of the paddle-like this on the same side. With consistent rhythm and hand weight to turn right to do similar, you just switch the other side to the left side.

Kayak braking:

If, while paddling, a kayak wants to break a boat that is rushing forward. You need to hold the paddle on either side of the water and push the paddle forward gently until the hull stops. Or if you want to break a boat that is going behind it, you could do the same thing, but in the opposite direction, Kayak will gradually. Lower the speed until it stops moving.

Consultation Remarks:

Before you dare to race a rickety boat, you need to get a basic idea of ​​rowing techniques and paddle boarding during technique training. As the first step, you always felt you should first learn the above technic to paddle on the shore. You sit on a bench or a similar lift where you have left and right areas to guide the paddle through.

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