Best Organic Formula for Breastfed Babies 2021

The popularity of organic products has increased markedly in recent years. Of course, the baby food market is not an exception because parents want only the best for their children! The quality of food largely depends on the health of the baby and the development of proper eating habits.

Natural and organic foods make the baby’s diet even more healthy and safe, so many parents choose organic products for formula and complementary feedings marked “Organic.” Such products are subject to strict requirements, and manufacturers undergo several special tests in order to obtain organic certification.

The benefits of organic food:

1. Organic foods are grown away from cities, roads, and industrial areas. Production requires natural conditions and a favorable environmental situation, and the producer must comply with the principles of organic production at all stages.

2. Only seeds that have not been modified and treated with harmful substances, often used for better germination and protection against pests, are suitable for growing organic products.

3. Maturation of food is also natural, without the use of growth hormones, chemical fertilizers, pesticides. Everything is as clean and environmentally friendly as possible. Fertilizers can only be of natural origin.

4. The finished product must contain at least 95% organic ingredients in order for it to receive the appropriate label. It must also have no undesirable components: dyes, preservatives, flavors, and any other unnatural additives.

5. Organic products undergo strict quality control. Authorized bodies conduct many inspections, according to the results of which the manufacturer receives a certificate for its products.

6. Organic products are not only good for babies` health but also care for the environment and the ecology of the planet.

7. Products grown naturally have a “cleaner,” brighter flavor and aroma.

8. Many people think healthy eating unpalatable and boring, but this is absolutely not the case! Your child is sure to love the variety because organic baby food uses apples, pears, strawberries, cereals, and many other ingredients.

Organic infant formula

Today’s range of baby foods is diverse. Each composition is based on the specific needs of the baby. So it is worth analyzing everything beforehand. After all, the risk of causing an undesirable reaction in your baby in the form of colic, diarrhea, or constipation is very high. Switching from one formula to another is also a serious step, requiring prior consultation with your pediatrician.

Organic infant formulas are considered the best for babies. They are based on cow’s milk, with no hormones, fertilizers, pesticides, or antibiotics. These formulas are a guarantee of naturalness and benefits. But do not forget that even natural products can be allergic. Therefore, parents should introduce infant formula gradually.

HIPP formula is an organic product for the healthy growth and development of babies from birth. The formula is adapted to the needs of babies in the first months of life and is easy to digest. It is intended for use when there is insufficient or no breast milk. It is perfect to combine it with breast milk if there is a need for mixed feeding.

HIPP organic formula for infants contains fatty acids (ARA / DNA, Omega-3 and Omega-6), essential for brain development and vision, and calcium from organic milk and calcium carbonate from natural sources necessary for bone formation.

A healthy and balanced diet is very important for your baby’s full development and well-being. Choose the natural and best for you and your children.

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