6 Types Of Fitness Apps You Should Download To Reach Your 2024 Health Goals

It’s a new year, and for many people, that means ambitious new fitness goals. The biggest challenge when setting a health objective is staying on track for the long term. One way to do this is by implementing technology. 

Fitness apps can help you stick to your fitness goals even when things get challenging. You’ll also be able to track your progress in real time and see your growth. No matter what you’re aiming to accomplish or how you like to work out, there’s an app out there for you. Here are six fitness apps to download today to reach your 2024 goals. 

1. Food Tracker App

Good nutrition is essential to meeting your fitness aims, but changing your diet can be overwhelming. Many people don’t know what’s in their food or how much to eat each day. A food tracker app will enable you to plan meals that will realize your healthy intentions. 

There are many food tracking apps that can calculate how many calories you need each day. These calculations are based on your size, exercise level, and weight loss goals. The best macro tracking app options take things a step further by monitoring your nutrients in detail. With a macro tracking app, you’ll keep tabs on your carbohydrate, protein, and fat intake. Understanding this will not only aid with weight loss, but will also help you reach your body composition objectives. 

2. Guided Workout App

Doing the same workout day in and day out can quickly get boring. Guided workout apps let you switch things up with new routines. They provide video, audio, and written instructions for different types of exercise sequences. These are often led by fitness experts and are designed so you can follow along easily. 

Guided workout apps offer myriad options featuring a wide range of exercise choices. For example, Nike Run Club provides guided audio tracks for running, while Alo Moves offers on-demand yoga classes. Apple Fitness+, FitOn, 8fit, and others likewise feature a bevy of workout routines that users can choose from. Many of these apps also allow you to make notes, track your progress, and work out with other users.  

3. GPS Tracker App

If you like to run, bike, or skate outside, a GPS tracking app is crucial. These apps use GPS technology to track your workout routes and times. This information can help you plan future workouts and see your pace improve over time. 

Strava is one of the most popular apps for recording your workout routes. Many smartwatch apps also have their own built-in GPS tracking features. A number of GPS trackers include social features that let you connect with other athletes, which can foster camaraderie and boost your motivation. They also enable you to share your location with family members or friends so you can stay safe while you’re out and about. 

4. Smartwatch Apps

If you’re using a smartwatch to monitor your fitness, make sure to download the corresponding app on your smartphone. Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Watch, and other smartwatches have phone apps to help you get more out of your device. On these apps, you’ll be able to monitor biometric data and record your health habits. 

With a smartwatch, you can keep tabs on your heart rate, number of steps per day, calorie expenditure, sleep levels, and more. Many smartwatch apps also have features to record your workouts, track your meals, and register your water intake. This allows you to see your health stats at a glance and check on your activity levels throughout the day.  

5. Social Fitness Apps

Engaging with fellow exercise enthusiasts can help you stay motivated on tough workout days. Social fitness apps enable you to connect with others who are doing similar workouts. Many of these apps let you post texts or photos about your workout and browse posts from other users. You can also build out your network by connecting with old friends and making new ones. 

Many social fitness apps include additional features, such as workout videos or meal plans. Among the most popular of these social fitness communities are Nike Training Club, Strava, and Stridekick. If you’re struggling to find an in-person accountability partner for your workouts, try using these apps to expand your community. 

6. Gamified Fitness Apps

Gamified fitness apps are another excellent way to stay enthusiastic about pursuing your fitness goals. These apps turn good health habits into a game. They reward you for completing workouts and generally have multiple levels for users to work through. Some gamified fitness apps even use biometric data and augmented reality technology to create an immersive experience. 

These apps often have fun themes to make them feel still more immersive and engaging. For example, the Marvel Move app contains guided workouts based on popular comic book characters. Users earn virtual currency and rewards based on their performance. Pokemon Go! has also become a popular tool for low-impact workouts. If you already enjoy video games, these gamified apps will add an extra layer of entertainment to your exercise routine. 

Final Thoughts

The right apps will help make your daily fitness efforts easier — and a little more fun. Tracking your progress with the apps outlined above will help you stay motivated and create sustainable long-term habits. You’ll also get the data you need to make your fitness routine as effective as possible. 

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